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Open communication and cleanliness of service


As with many things in life, the first impression is important – what is the first communication by phone and what is the on-site service in the service. If before visiting the service or at the first contact with the service, you feel that the service master is in a hurry or does not go into what you are saying, then most likely you will not be properly informed about the progress of the repair, deadlines and its cost during the rest of the service process. Open and kind communication, of course, does not immediately guarantee quality repairs, however, in case of confusion or disagreement with this type of communication, it will be much easier to get a solution.


Also important is the impression of the service premises – both the waiting place and the repair area. If chaos and filth reign, then the organization and execution of work is also probably disorderly. In turn, a tidy environment indicates that the most likely work processes are also organized and of high quality. Of course, there are small workshops and good masters who do not have a waiting room and who work responsibly and qualitatively, however, during small, couple of hours of maintenance and repairs, it is nice to have the option to wait on the spot. In this sense, a positive experience will be provided by Bosch Car Service, which has a spacious and tidy waiting area, where you can both relax and do your daily chores at your computer.


Understandable costs and clear deadlines


If you also visit the service for a particular maintenance or repair, before starting work, solid services perform a full diagnostics of the car, assessing whether the car should undergo any more repairs. It should be noted that at the return of the car and before carrying out the work, the service master should prepare an offer that would mention the work to be done and its cost. If during the above diagnostics any more defects are revealed, then the master should inform you about this and coordinate any additional work. If additional work has been carried out without consent, then this does not indicate good service, since any additional costs should be correctly coordinated with the customer. Although there has already been a conversation about the work to be done before handing over the car, in a reliable service like Bosch Car Service, after carrying out repairs, the foreman once again explains in detail the work performed and all the items on the bill. It should also be noted that bravoauto customers have access to special discounts on the Bosch Car Service located on Skanstes Street.


Reliable car service in Riga


The car is a very important element for people in their daily life, so for the purpose of planning your time, it is important to know how long you will have to do without a car. Therefore, when handing over the vehicle to the service, there should also be clearly known deadlines for when the car plans to be ready and when it can be collected. Of course, in any service, repairs can take a long time for various reasons, however, in good companies, the customer is immediately informed about this fact, and not this fact is announced upon arrival after the car.


Quality of service and warranty repairs


The level of service quality can be judged by whether it has clear diagnostic processes. So, for example, in the bravoauto official Bosch Car Service, any car undergoes a 150-point check, during which absolutely all nodes of the car are checked. The results of this test are intended not only for the service to know which works should be performed, but also for the customer to know what condition his vehicle is in. It should be noted that Bosch Car Service has all the necessary equipment and knowledge to carry out maintenance and repairs of almost all car manufacturers even during their warranty period. Thus, the work performed can also be officially noted in the service book of the car, thereby listing the history of the car and, accordingly, increasing its value in case of sale. Also, inspections, maintenance and repairs of all cars sold by bravoauto are carried out here.


Trusted service rollup


If the service is open communication and cleanliness in the premises, as well as the work to be performed, the costs and deadlines are agreed, then these are good prerequisites for a successful service visit. If any of these elements are missing, this may cause doubts about the quality and reliability of service. In this case, it is better to choose another service, because, as in any other sphere of life, trust is important. If it is not there, then each visit to the service will be fraught with suspicion, which at best will cost only nerves, and at worst also unnecessary time and money.

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